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Personal Reflections

Taming the Nafs

January 30, 2020

One concern that often crops up in the lives of those who want to achieve but cannot because of an inability to translate their desires and motivation into action is, how does one get out of this rut. A sister recently, may Allāh bless her, penned it so eloquently. I saw myself in her words, as I’m sure many others do so as well. She wrote about her desire to commit the Qurʾān to memory. She has the intelligence, she…

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Personal Reflections

Worldly Difficulties

February 24, 2017

The Salaf would be happy and optimistic when something of this world became difficult for them. I never quite understood this statement. Were they happy and optimistic because a difficulty meant eventual ease, as is Allāh’s promise? Was it out of anticipation of a fulfilment of a worldly need? Or was there something more to it? Then it occurred to me after many years of returning to this statement that a man who sets out to find work and finds…

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Soul Cleansing

A Pure Heart

February 16, 2017

A man reviled Ibn ʿAbbās, so he replied, “You revile me even though I have three traits: When I learn something about an āyah from the Book of Allāh, I wish that everyone would know it too; when I hear about a ruler from the rulers of Muslims who governs justly I become happy, even though I may never have to go to him for a ruling; and when I hear about a rainfall in a land from the lands…

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July 28, 2016

The expected norm from courteous men is to treat women with kindness because of their sensitive nature, for this reason it is recommended when a man gives something to his children that he start with his daughters first. Al-Ālūsī, in his tafsīr ‘Rūḥ al-Mʿānī’.😊(A more literal translation: to treat them in a way that wouldn’t break their hearts.)…

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Soul Cleansing

Ibn Taymiyah’s Rule of Love

July 27, 2016

❝When you love someone for the sake of Allāh, it is Allāh who you truly love. So whenever you remember that person in your heart, you are reminded of your true love (Allāh) and this automatically increases your love for that person.❞ In another place Ibn Taymiyah explains that when you love someone for a specific reason (what they do for, what they give you, how they make you feel, etc) you don’t really love them, you love that thing…

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A Duʿāʾ by Imām Ibn al-Jawzī

July 5, 2016

From: The Best Thing I’ve Read Today Series on my Facebook Page   A duʿāʾ by Imām Ibn al-Jawzī, ❝Allāhuma, do not punish a tongue that tells people about You;  Nor an eye that looks into the sciences which lead to You;  Nor a foot that has walked in Your service;  Nor a hand that has written the narrations of Your Messenger ﷺ;  By Your Glory I ask You: Do not enter me into Hellfire, for I see myself to…

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