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Personal Reflections

Personal Reflections

A Fulfilment

October 21, 2020
For the aesthetics, of course.

الحمدلله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات By the grace and favour of Allāh upon me, I’ve successfully completed my Master’s Degree in ʿUlūm al-Qurʾān and Tafsīr. My thesis was titled, ‘أثر تكرار الألفاظ والآيات في بيان مقاصد سور القرآن الكريم دراسة تحليلية من سورة الرعد إلى سورة الحج أنموذجًا’ ‘A Study of the Repetition of Words and Verses in Determining the Objectives of the Chapters of the Qurʾān: from al-Raʿd to al-Ḥajj.’. Allāh is Kind and Generous when He permits His…

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Personal Reflections

A Void for Him

April 4, 2020

There is a concept that one of my teachers iterates again and again in her lessons. The past weeks, it has been on my mind more than ever. It is: كل فراغ فراغ لله Every free time you have is time that Allāh has freed for Himself. If your friends have moved away from you, if you are done with your studies, if you have not found a job, if you have been let go from a job, if are…

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Personal Reflections

Taming the Nafs

January 30, 2020

One concern that often crops up in the lives of those who want to achieve but cannot because of an inability to translate their desires and motivation into action is, how does one get out of this rut. A sister recently, may Allāh bless her, penned it so eloquently. I saw myself in her words, as I’m sure many others do so as well. She wrote about her desire to commit the Qurʾān to memory. She has the intelligence, she…

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Personal Reflections

What’s in Your Heart? — III

November 5, 2019

A high īmān gets you through the small every day as much as it gets you through the bigger and unexpected circumstances. It is usually the small every day that is a good gauge of where your īmān is. If you find yourself easily frustrated and quick to anger, chances are whatever aroused it was not warranted, rather it is a low īmān that is the culprit. Consider a person driving home from work, for example. When a person who…

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Personal Reflections

November 5, 2019

We worry about the things to come but Allāh has already planned them in the best of ways that will allow our īmān to flourish should we abide by His teachings. ‎اللهم حسن التوكل…

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