Monthly Archives:

May 2018

Personal Reflections

Parents Who Pray

May 27, 2018

There are certain people you meet who stay with you long after that meeting has passed. There is one such sister I met years ago. Her face is a blurred memory but she crosses my mind often. A few ʿEīds ago, during ʿEīd prayer, she enters the masjid with a throng of children of all sizes but mostly little. A lot of hustle and bustle, a lot of shushing, some little screeches, quite a few giggles… and her whispered threats…

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Personal Reflections

Excellence in Ramaḍān | The Three Golden Hours

May 12, 2018

We want to do our best in Ramaḍān. We don’t want to spend a month forgoing food and drink. We want excellence in Ramaḍān. We have a general idea; fasting, praying, reciting Qurʾān. But how can you do this better? Allow me to suggest the following: Be mindful of three golden hours every day. If you guard these, then you’ll come out of the month having spent a solid 90 hours doing what pleases Allāh. The First: Finish prepare fuṭūr…

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What About Women?

May 8, 2018

Reading my notes on ʿulūm Al-Qurʾān, I came across the following under the study of reasons of revelation and it made me smile. Um Salamah said to the Messenger ﷺ: “O Rasūl Allāh, I have not heard Allāh mention anything about women and migration.”…

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