Soul Cleansing

Ibn Taymiyah’s Rule of Love

July 27, 2016

❝When you love someone for the sake of Allāh, it is Allāh who you truly love. So whenever you remember that person in your heart, you are reminded of your true love (Allāh) and this automatically increases your love for that person.❞

In another place Ibn Taymiyah explains that when you love someone for a specific reason (what they do for, what they give you, how they make you feel, etc) you don’t really love them, you love that thing they offer, and once that thing is gone, so is your love.

To give us an idea of how important this topic is: Love is at the core of religion; it is a pillar of worship. It is your creed to love Allāh and His Messenger ﷺ more than anyone else or anything else.
And in a ḥadīth, Rasūl Allāh ﷺ tells us that there will be seven groups of people who will be shaded on the Day of Judgement, one group consists of people who loved one another purely for Allāh.
May Allāh make us from them.

May Allāh make His love and the love of His Messenger ﷺ foremost in our hearts.

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