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Lessons in Tawakkul

July 9, 2017

Imagine a small child. A toddler. Let’s suppose that he’s an excitable young toddler who is unable to express himself verbally yet. Imagine the following situation: His mother tells him that they are going to the park; do you want to go to the park?! There are swings there! He knows the park, so he jumps up excitedly and races to the front door and waits eagerly for his mother to come and open the door so that they can…

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Personal Reflections

A Test in Tawakkul

November 2, 2014

Sufficient for us is Allāh, and most excellent is He in Whom we trust. Perhaps Allāh is testing to see NOT how great a patience you can observe, but how great a trust you can place in Him. Especially if Allāh has rectified your Dīn and much of your Dunyā. He subḥānah might leave a gap in your affairs, so to speak. An unrectified gap. And that gap needs to be filled by you with tawakul (complete and total trust…

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