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Sūrat al-Kahf

Personal Reflections

Turn to the Qurʾān when Faced with Calamities

September 24, 2014

Despite the worsened situation that we (the Ummah) are in, we still need to be very optimistic that relief will come to us very soon. The Qurʾān is filled with examples of those before us and the hardships and calamities they bore. These stories are for us to learn from and they’re to encourage us to have a positive and hopeful outlook no matter what we’re faced with. Take the story of the Youth of the Cave for example. Allāh…

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Qurʾānic Reflections

Reflection from Sūrat al-Kahf

August 1, 2014

If every time Allāh gave you what you ask Him for immediately then your heart wouldn’t be desperately dependent on Him. Your īmān wouldn’t grow, and neither will your relationship with Allāh. Look at the Youth of the Cave. They got what they wanted but not before they became utterly in need of Allāh.…

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Qurʾānic Reflections

Enduring Value

August 31, 2012

Surah al Kahf highlights what we value in this world, but it makes a distinction between a value that remains and a value that is transient. [Wealth and children are but adornment of the worldly life. But the enduring good deeds are better to your Lord for reward and better to hope for] Kahf:46 The true value isn’t in wealth, prestige and worldly pleasures, though Islam does not forbid those, for there is nothing wrong in enjoying the good of…

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