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Sūrat al-Baqarah


“My Īmān is in My Heart”

February 13, 2017

❝The īmān that doesn’t drive a person to the worship of Allāh and His obedience holds no value, just like the ‘īmān’ of iblīs, which did not drive him to the obedience of Allāh but instead he disbelieved and was arrogant and disobedient of his Lord, as Allāh says, And [mention] when We said to the angels, “Prostrate before Ādam”; so they prostrated, except for Iblīs. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers.❞ -— Sh. Moḥammed at-Tuwaijirī,…

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Qurʾānic Reflections

A Duʿāʾ for Good Opportunities

July 2, 2016

When you step back and observe, you’ll see that success, whether yours or someone else’s, is contributed towards by the opportunities that were given by Allāh and the unexpected doors that He opened. At one point, all of us where at the same start line (perhaps when we were fresh out of high school.)…

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Qurʾānic Reflections

Why the Name ‘Al-Baqarah’

June 28, 2016

The main topics included in Sūrat al-Baqarah are: Discussion of the fundamentals of our belief (īmān) and discussion of important rulings pertaining to our Dīn such as fasting, ḥajj, marriage, divorce and usury (physical acts worship.) Yet the sūrah is called al-Baqarah. Why? (Note: the name of each sūrah in the Qurʾān is Divinely inspired as many scholars have stated.) …

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Qurʾānic Reflections

April 5, 2015

In the Qurʾān, Allāh does not commend the perfect believer. Rather, He subḥānah commends the faulty one—the one who errs (probably more times than he can count!). He errs and then he is remorseful, so he defeatedly turns to Allāh and sincerely repents and seeks Allāh’s pardon. ﴾Indeed, Allāh *loves* those who are constantly repentant.﴿ al-Baqarah:222  …

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Qurʾānic Reflections

On Grieving

December 6, 2014

He [Yaqūb] said, “I complain of my suffering and my grief only to Allāh Yūsuf:86 Anything that grieves a person, anything that deeply bothers them and that causes them to become anxious and stressed (out of ordinary stress) is a muṣībah – it is a calamity, whether others perceive it as such or not.…

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Personal Reflections

Do you know Sumayya?

April 23, 2013

Do you know Sumayya? She was one of the first women to embrace Islām. And she was one of the first to be persecuted by the non-Muslim society she lived in. And she was THE first person to die, because of the torture inflicted upon her by the leaders of her society. She was killed simple because she believed in Lā ilāha illā Allāh. May Allāh be pleased with her. Many followed her noble footsteps; embracing Islām wholeheartedly and entirely…

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