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Personal Reflections

For the Love of Qurʾān Circles

September 19, 2017

You can attend Islāmic seminars, talks and conferences regularly but none of it combined will have the same effect as attending a circle of knowledge at the feet of scholars in a house from the houses of Allāh, where the focus is on conveying ʿilm (rather than jokes and light humour with a copious amount of free-mixing *ducks*). You can attend circles of knowledge at the feet of scholars regularly but none of it will have the effect that attending…

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Soul Cleansing

The Parable of Rain and Divine Revelation

June 6, 2017

In the Qurʾān we often see parallels between the sending down of rain and the sending down of waḥī (Divine Revelation). This parallel between the concrete and the abstract is common in the Qurʾān. It helps us visualise the effect of what we cannot see directly. Imagine rain water. What happens when rain falls? It washes the surface of the ground; it removes the dirt; then it given life to a barren land. When the words and the meanings of…

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Qurʾān Study Tips

Apprehension Towards the Qurʾān

May 8, 2017

If you are memorising the Qurʾān, is there any sūrah that you especially love reciting? Perhaps sūrat ar-Raḥmān? That’s an ‘easy’ sūrah to recite, isn’t it? The key to what makes it especially easy is that you hear it and recite it so often that it’s well cemented in your memory. Now is there any sūrah that you find particularly difficult and that you don’t look forward to reciting? Maybe if your teacher was to test you, you would secretly…

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The Qurʾān is Sufficient

May 1, 2017

❝ليس منا من لم يتغن بالقرآن❞ ❝Whoever does not recite Qurʾān in a pleasant tone is not from us.❞ [Al-Bukhārī] Scholars have two differing interpretations of this ḥadīth. The more widespread interpretation of this ḥadīth states that the person who does not recite the Qurʾān in a beautiful manner (to the best of his ability) is not from us. The other interpretation says that the person who does not SUFFICE himself with the Qurʾān–and by extension the sunnah—is not from us; من…

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