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Personal Reflections

For the Love of Qurʾān Circles

September 19, 2017

You can attend Islāmic seminars, talks and conferences regularly but none of it combined will have the same effect as attending a circle of knowledge at the feet of scholars in a house from the houses of Allāh, where the focus is on conveying ʿilm (rather than jokes and light humour with a copious amount of free-mixing *ducks*). You can attend circles of knowledge at the feet of scholars regularly but none of it will have the effect that attending…

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Ḥifḏh Tips

July 3, 2016

For those who are lazy with revising their ḥifḏh, something to keep in mind: Whilst ḥifḏh is nafl, murājaʿah (revision) is obligatory.…

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Qurʾān Study Tips

First Step Towards Tadabbur

July 1, 2016

In order to study the Qurʾān successfully, it is essential that we understand what we’re trying to achieve by our study. To do that, we have to answer one main question and it is: What is the main objective and purpose of the Qurʾān? …

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Ḥifḏh Tips

How Ḥifḏh is Done

April 17, 2015

• An African student reading the Qurʾān before playing football at the Islāmic University of Madīnah • I love this. This is a vivid depiction of the life of a ḥāfiḏh-—he does NOT need to be a recluse who confines himself within the four walls of a mosque in hopes of completing this noble journey. It shows how easily the Qurʾān can be integrated into our every day lives; how every spare moment can be filled with the Qurʾān; how…

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