The Salaf would be happy and optimistic when something of this world became difficult for them. I never quite understood this statement. Were they happy and optimistic because a difficulty meant eventual ease, as is Allāh’s promise? Was it out of anticipation of a fulfilment of a worldly need? Or was there something more to it? Then it occurred to me after many years of returning to this statement that a man who sets out to find work and finds…
Remember: Allāh does not create ḥajāt (needs) in our lives, except so that we may initiate ʿibādāt (acts of worship). When a need is created within us, we are compelled to recognise our weaknesses and inability, and conversely, recognise His Perfect Ability and Might and thus turn to Him with love and hope in our hearts.…
From: The Best Thing I’ve Read Today Series on my Facebook Page A duʿāʾ by Imām Ibn al-Jawzī, ❝Allāhuma, do not punish a tongue that tells people about You; Nor an eye that looks into the sciences which lead to You; Nor a foot that has walked in Your service; Nor a hand that has written the narrations of Your Messenger ﷺ; By Your Glory I ask You: Do not enter me into Hellfire, for I see myself to…
When you step back and observe, you’ll see that success, whether yours or someone else’s, is contributed towards by the opportunities that were given by Allāh and the unexpected doors that He opened. At one point, all of us where at the same start line (perhaps when we were fresh out of high school.)…