Monthly Archives:

July 2018


How do you Treat Others?

July 31, 2018

If there is one lesson our dīn repeatedly teaches, it is that Allāh treats you the way that you treat others, especially the ones who are below you. This teaching is so consequential that it is almost as if you are given a choice of how you want to be treated by Allāh in this life and in the Next simply by your treatment of those around you.    …

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Personal Reflections

End of the Week Thoughts

July 7, 2018

For some weeks, I’ve been working with a classical book of tafsīr. I’ve been reading and re-reading and then repeating the process over and over again in order to understand and hopefully internalise the scholar’s words. It wasn’t until I reached a segment where he had listed some aḥādīth of Rasūl Allāh ﷺ that I found my self subconsciously evaluating myself. I found myself thinking, reflecting and then resolving. …

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