Monthly Archives:

August 2017

Personal Reflections

The ‘Next Best Alternative’ Principle | The Blessed Days of Dhul Ḥijjah

August 24, 2017

The following ḥadīth is pertinent to the blessed season of Ḥajj, particularly for those who are sitting Ḥajj out, “The poor Muhājirīn came to Rasūl Allāh ﷺ and said, “The wealthy ones have taken the highest ranks and lasting bliss.” He ﷺ asked, ❝How is that?❞ They replied, “They offer prayer as we offer it; they fast as we do; and as they are wealthy they perform Ḥajj and ʿUmrah, and go for Jihād, and they spend in charity but…

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Good Hope in Allāh

August 19, 2017

You know when a person is hoping for Allāh to realise something—a duʿāʾ, a secret wish, some aspiration? He might quietly imagine the different scenarios in which Allāh can realise his heart’s wishes and bring to him what he desires and this is a reflection of the good expectations he holds of Allāh. Perhaps amongst all these scenarios he’ll pick the most realistic one. The easiest, most feasible one. And hang on to that. Our mother ʿĀisha r.a. would say,…

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Ḥifḏh Tips

Tools of Ṭalab: Resilience

August 6, 2017

Have you every observed students of knowledge? What is that one thing that is monumental in their success? Consider students who are memorising Qurʾān; what ensures that he or she reaches completion? There are so many who start off ḥifḏh, students of varying intelligence levels, of different backgrounds, and those with different limitations in their access to resources. Why isn’t it that ONLY the most intelligent ones succeed? Or only those who speak Arabic well see completion? Or only those who live…

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