
The Qurʾān is Sufficient

May 1, 2017

ليس منا من لم يتغن بالقرآن

Whoever does not recite Qurʾān in a pleasant tone is not from us.❞ [Al-Bukhārī]

Scholars have two differing interpretations of this ḥadīth.
The more widespread interpretation of this ḥadīth states that the person who does not recite the Qurʾān in a beautiful manner (to the best of his ability) is not from us.

The other interpretation says that the person who does not SUFFICE himself with the Qurʾān–and by extension the sunnah—is not from us; من لم يستغنى بالقرآن عن غيره فليس منا. 

Ibn ʿUthaymīn explained this further by saying that the person who does not suffice himself with the Qurʾān (and sunnah) in matters of Ibādāt (worship) and in matters of Mu’āmalāt (commercial and civil acts and dealings; social and economic affairs) is not from us.

The one who looks at imported philosophies, thoughts and movements to worship Allāh or to find the balance within society (for example) has not sufficed himself with the Qurʾān.

These two interpretations are not contradictory and as such Ibn ʿUthaymīn concluded that both interpretations of this ḥadīth are correct.

 ❝Whoever does not suffice himself with the Qurʾān is not from us.❞ [Al-Bukhārī]

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