Monthly Archives:

March 2017


The Levels of Knowing Allāh

March 21, 2017

Knowing Allāh subḥānah is of two types: First, an awareness that leads to affirmation [of God’s existence], this [knowledge] is common amongst all people: the righteous, the evil; the obedient, the disobedient. Second, an awareness that necessitates shyness from Him, love for Him, attaching the heart to Him, yearning to meet Him, fearing Him, turning to Him and repenting to Him, finding solace in Him, and fleeing from the creation to Him. This is a special awareness that is known…

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Qurʾānic Reflections


March 20, 2017

Today is the Equinox, an astronomical event which results in the sun rising at the North Pole after a six month long absence and it won’t set again until the next Equinox in September. Conversely, today the sun sets in the South Pole after half a year of continuous day light. These two āyāt from sūrat al-Qaṣaṣ come to mind: قل أرأيتم إن جعل الله عليكم الليل سرمدا إلى يوم القيامة من إله غير الله يأتيكم بضياء أفلا تسمعون ۞…

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Ar-Rabb al-Muʾmin

March 9, 2017

I’ve learnt something beautiful. When Allāh knows that a person is sincere and dedicated in an act of worship, He facilitates it for them. When Allāh loves an act of worship from someone, He keeps them steadfast on it. He gives them the means and the support to remain persistent upon it. Allāh is al-Muʾmin and from the meanings of al-Muʾmin is that He illuminates hearts with faith and He gives His believing servants reasons to remain steadfast.…

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