Monthly Archives:

July 2016



July 12, 2016

Remember: Allāh does not create ḥajāt (needs) in our lives, except so that we may initiate ʿibādāt (acts of worship). When a need is created within us, we are compelled to recognise our weaknesses and inability, and conversely, recognise His Perfect Ability and Might and thus turn to Him with love and hope in our hearts.…

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Qurʾān Study Tips

How Understanding Grows

July 6, 2016

The more you repeatedly study something, the more your understanding grows and expands. This is the tried and tested study technique of scholars over the past centuries. What’s interesting is that it doesn’t just apply to the Qurʾān and aḥādīth, but also to books written by scholars. For that reason, scholars from early on would emphasis on memorising scholarly texts just as they would emphasise on the Qurʾān and aḥādīth of Rasūl Allāh ﷺ. Al-Muzanī said, ❝I read ar-Risālah (a…

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A Duʿāʾ by Imām Ibn al-Jawzī

July 5, 2016

From: The Best Thing I’ve Read Today Series on my Facebook Page   A duʿāʾ by Imām Ibn al-Jawzī, ❝Allāhuma, do not punish a tongue that tells people about You;  Nor an eye that looks into the sciences which lead to You;  Nor a foot that has walked in Your service;  Nor a hand that has written the narrations of Your Messenger ﷺ;  By Your Glory I ask You: Do not enter me into Hellfire, for I see myself to…

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Personal Reflections

July 5, 2016

اللهم أمطر معاني القرآن في قرارة قلوبنا Allāh, let the meanings of the Qurʾān rain on the depths of our hearts.…

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Soul Cleansing

Ramaḍān: The Finish Line

July 4, 2016

❝Ḥusn aḏh-Ḏhan billāh (thinking well of Allāh): For you to not despair of attaining your share of His Raḥmah, even if all that is left of Ramaḍān is an amount of time equivalent to single unit of prayer.❞ -— Sheikh ʿAbdullāh Balqāsim. As this blessed month sets, some may be remorseful over time wasted; remorseful that no good habit was formed, remorseful that no bad habit was left behind, remorseful that the heart is still tough and unchanged… Here’s a…

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Ḥifḏh Tips

July 3, 2016

For those who are lazy with revising their ḥifḏh, something to keep in mind: Whilst ḥifḏh is nafl, murājaʿah (revision) is obligatory.…

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