Daily Archives:

July 5, 2016


A Duʿāʾ by Imām Ibn al-Jawzī

July 5, 2016

From: The Best Thing I’ve Read Today Series on my Facebook Page   A duʿāʾ by Imām Ibn al-Jawzī, ❝Allāhuma, do not punish a tongue that tells people about You;  Nor an eye that looks into the sciences which lead to You;  Nor a foot that has walked in Your service;  Nor a hand that has written the narrations of Your Messenger ﷺ;  By Your Glory I ask You: Do not enter me into Hellfire, for I see myself to…

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Personal Reflections

July 5, 2016

اللهم أمطر معاني القرآن في قرارة قلوبنا Allāh, let the meanings of the Qurʾān rain on the depths of our hearts.…

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