Monthly Archives:

July 2016


July 28, 2016

The expected norm from courteous men is to treat women with kindness because of their sensitive nature, for this reason it is recommended when a man gives something to his children that he start with his daughters first. Al-Ālūsī, in his tafsīr ‘Rūḥ al-Mʿānī’.😊(A more literal translation: to treat them in a way that wouldn’t break their hearts.)…

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Soul Cleansing

Ibn Taymiyah’s Rule of Love

July 27, 2016

❝When you love someone for the sake of Allāh, it is Allāh who you truly love. So whenever you remember that person in your heart, you are reminded of your true love (Allāh) and this automatically increases your love for that person.❞ In another place Ibn Taymiyah explains that when you love someone for a specific reason (what they do for, what they give you, how they make you feel, etc) you don’t really love them, you love that thing…

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Quote Uncategorized

July 26, 2016

اللهم افتح عقولنا وقلوبنا لفهم القرآن وتدبُّره والغوص في أسراره، والاعتبار بمواعظه، والوقوف عند حدوده، إنك جَوَادٌ كريم. Allāh, open our minds and hearts to understand and reflect on the Qurʾān, to delve in its secrets, to be heedful of its admonitions, to be mindful of its limits, You are Jawādun Karīm. ✨…

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Qurʾān Study Tips

What is Tadabbur?

July 23, 2016

The best description of tadabbur that I’ve come across is one by Sheikh ʿAbdur-Raḥmān as-Saʿdī. He was asked, “How do I reach a point where I can do tadabbur of the Qurʾān (reflect on the Qurʾān)?” He simply said, ❝You continue to read and read and read*… until Allāh opens your heart to tadabbur.❞ I haven’t found a truer description than this or description closest to how the pious predecessors understood tadabbur.…

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Qurʾān Study Tips

A Qurʾān Study Technique: Qurʾān Q & A

July 19, 2016

Originally posted here. The knowledge within the Qurʾān, the verbatim word of God, is limitless. Were you to spend a lifetime studying it, there will still be so much more to study, understand and apply. Reading a tafsīr of the Qurʾān cover to cover, once, twice, thrice, ten times, or more will only give you a grasp of what the message says. In order to gain an in depth understanding, you need to live with these verses. You need to…

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July 18, 2016

From ‘The Best Thing I’ve Read Today’ Series on my Facebook Page. This is a snippet from a foreword written by Sheikh ʿĀʾiḍ al-Qarnī for a book titled ‘al-Mujallā fī sharḥ al-Qawāʿid al-Muthlā’, by Kāmilah al-Kuwārī. For those who do not know, ustādhah Kāmilah is a student of knowledge who has excelled. It warmed my heart and so I wanted to share it with you. He praises the work for the impeccable manner in which she skillfully presents a well…

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