Soul Cleansing

Al-Qurʾān Al-Karīm

June 13, 2016

The salaf would stand entire nights reciting a few verses of the Qurʾān, repeating these few verses over and over again until the time of dawn.

Perhaps this was a result of their deep-rooted, earnest need for the Qurʾān because of which they would recite, repeat and repeat again, in attempts to get to the depths of the meanings these verses held.

Perhaps it can also be deduced from their unique relationship with the Qurʾān – of repeating a few verses endlessly for long hours of the night, that the more they practised this, the more of its secrets opened upon them. The more it broadened their horizons.
The more their understanding deepened.

The Qurʾān is described as Karīm.

One definition of ‘karam’ is ‘to give easily and readily’.

And that’s how it is with the Qurʾān, once you strike a covenant with it, not leaving it, not turning your back on it, it gives you easily and generously.

إنه لقرآن كريم

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