Monthly Archives:

March 2015


March 22, 2015

❝Indeed the home in which the Qurʾān is recited shines to People of the Heavens just as the stars shine to People of the Earth.❞ Ṣaḥīḥ Ḥadīth. In: As-Silsilah aṣ-Ṣaḥīḥah by Imām al-Albānī 3112  …

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Personal Reflections

March 16, 2015

❝This life is short, if we had truly understood this reality, we wouldn’t be making difficult what Allāh has made easy.❞ Truest words said to me this past year. Allāh bless the one who said them with al-Firdaws al-Aʿlā. (via quranicreflections)…

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March 14, 2015

❝If something leaves you powerless and incapacitated, then repeat: ‘Lā ḥawla wa lā quwata illā billāh’ (translation: there is no might nor power except with Allāh), Allāh will make your matter easy.❞ Ibn al-ʿUthaymīn, in: Sharḥ Riyāḍ aṣ-Ṣāliḥīn 5/522.…

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Qurʾānic Reflections

So They Journeyed On…

March 11, 2015

﴾So they journeyed on…﴿ al-Kahf:71 ﴾So they journeyed on…﴿ al-Kahf:74 ﴾So they journeyed on…﴿ al-Kahf:77 Prophet Mūsā faces several setbacks in his path to seek knowledge. But each time he continues on with an unshaken resolve until the journey ends following an agreement put forward by Prophet Mūsā.…

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