Monthly Archives:

December 2014


December 27, 2014

❝This life is short, if we had truly understood this reality, we wouldn’t be making difficult what Allāh has made easy.❞ Truest words said to me this past year. Allāh bless the one who said them with al-Firdaws al-Aʿlā.…

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Personal Reflections

December 22, 2014

Allāh might give you a very precious gift wrapped in hardship. IF you’re patient, the wrappings will unravel and you’ll get your gift.…

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December 18, 2014

If you’ve been patient, then not for a millisecond, should you allow yourself to think that you will be disappointed. ﴾وبشر الصابرين﴿ ﴾and give glad tidings to those patient.﴿…

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December 17, 2014

❝Ibn Taymiyah was extremely diligent in helping others because he knew, the more he helped others, the more Allāh will help him.❞ Imām Ibn al-Qayyim…

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Qurʾānic Reflections

On Grieving

December 6, 2014

He [Yaqūb] said, “I complain of my suffering and my grief only to Allāh Yūsuf:86 Anything that grieves a person, anything that deeply bothers them and that causes them to become anxious and stressed (out of ordinary stress) is a muṣībah – it is a calamity, whether others perceive it as such or not.…

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