Personal Reflections

A Test in Tawakkul

November 2, 2014

Sufficient for us is Allāh, and most excellent is He in Whom we trust.

Perhaps Allāh is testing to see NOT how great a patience you can observe, but how great a trust you can place in Him.

Especially if Allāh has rectified your Dīn and much of your Dunyā. He subḥānah might leave a gap in your affairs, so to speak. An unrectified gap. And that gap needs to be filled by you with tawakul (complete and total trust in Allāh). Should you fill it with reliance upon yourself or upon others or upon any other means, that gap will not be filled, and you’ll be back at square one. Until and unless you fill that gap with tawakul. Easier said than done. But you are to try, and try. And try.


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