Personal Reflections

Do you know Sumayya?

April 23, 2013

Do you know Sumayya?

She was one of the first women to embrace Islām. And she was one of the first to be persecuted by the non-Muslim society she lived in. And she was THE first person to die, because of the torture inflicted upon her by the leaders of her society.

She was killed simple because she believed in Lā ilāha illā Allāh.

May Allāh be pleased with her.

Many followed her noble footsteps; embracing Islām wholeheartedly and entirely and dedicating their lives to raising the banner of Islām.

And many met a fate similar to hers. Many survived such a fate. Many didn’t.

Do you know Aḥmed?

Imām Aḥmed b. Ḥanbal, known as the Imām of Ahlus-Sunnah, dedicated his life to the religion of Allāh – studying it, implementing it and teaching it. He travelled far and wide in search of knowledge, many times on foot. So much so that his body was left frail and gaunt. Such was his servitude to Allāh and His religion. (Compare it to ours.)

The greatest political-religious tribulation during his time was caused by the increasingly secular atmosphere of the government. The leader of that time, al-Ma`mūn, was heavily influenced by Greek philosophers because of which he claimed that the Qur`ān was not the Speech of Allāh, and that it was created.

(Speech is an attribute of Allāh. The creation withers. Allāh — His Lordship, Divinity and Attributes — is Eternal. Subḥāneh.)

Al-Ma`mūn commanded all Islāmic scholars to be imprisoned if they refuse to accept and vouch for his perverted beliefs.

Many so-called scholars gave in to this oppression that was inflicted upon the upholders of Islām. They publicly declared their allegiance to him and his ‘policies’. Sell-outs.

Those who didn’t… they tasted the true meaning of the word torture.

Imām Aḥmed refused to side with the oppressing liars. So al-Ma`mūn commanded that Imām Aḥmed be brought to him, shackled in chains.

Imagine, this person who lived to serve the Deen of Allāh, whose frame was gaunt by his continuous servitude, imagine him shackled in chains simply because he chose to uphold Allāh’s religion!

While on his way to al-Ma`mūn, Imām Aḥmed met a Bedouin (the Bedouins were known for their harshness). The Bedouin recognised him and said,

❝You are the head of the people, so do not give in to what they say, then the people would give in and you would carry their misdeed on the Day of Judgment. And if you love Allāh then be patient and persist upon your belief. Between you and jannah is your killing, and if you are not killed then your death. And if you live then your life would be an honourable one.❞

Imām Aḥmed said of this incident, ❝His words strengthened my resolve.❞

A great, one of the greatest scholars, being consoled by an unscholarly body. Imagine that.

Imām Aḥmed came closer to his destination, he met an inmate, to whom he said, ❝I’m not afraid of imprisonment. But I’m terrified of the lashing!❞

The inmate said to him, ❝Don’t worry about the lashing, you won’t feel after the first two strikes.❞

Imām Aḥmed said of this, ❝His words strengthened my resolve.❞

Subḥān Allāh!

Long story short: al-Ma`mūn died, his brother – who was worse than him – took over, then his son – who had the same tyrannical and wretched beliefs – took over, but he later repented. After his death, the leadership was passed to a man of sunnah. And thus came an end to this terrible period.

Back to Sumayya who was more man than the ‘men’ today. Let her life and her death be a lesson for us.

And you: Instead of breaking people down, be that Bedouin – who despite his learned harshness – strengthened resolves by enjoining good and standing for the Truth.

 Lastly, know that tests of faith are nothing new, they existed right from the start. What is new is our disgustingly low levels of faith that succumb to every blow.

I leave you with two āyāt to reflect on; a reminder and a duʿā`.


[Indeed, those whom the angels take in death while wronging themselves – the angels will say, “In what condition were you?” They will say, “We were oppressed in the land.” The angels will say, “Was not the earth of Allāh spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?” For those, their refuge is Hell – and evil it is as a destination.] an-Nisā`:97


[Allāh does not burden a person with more than he can bear. He gets reward for the good which he has earned, and he is punished for the evil which he has earned. “Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us; our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us Forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving people.] al-Baqarah:286

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