
Man Worth a Nation

February 23, 2013


[And when the two companies saw one another, the companions of Mūsā said, “Indeed, we will be overtaken!”

Mūsā said, “No! Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me.”]


This was when Prophet Mūsā was leading Banī Isrā`īl (the Children of Israel) away from the clutches of Firʿawn and his army. When Firʿawn and co. finally catch up to Prophet Mūsā and Banī Isrā`īl, Banī Isrā`īl express their fears, “Indeed, we will be overtaken!”

Mūsā ʿalayhis salām assures them an assurance of a man certain of his Lord’s promise,

No! Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me.

Focus your attention on one particular word, Prophet Mūsa says, ’مَعِيَ’ – with me.

In another place, another time, another Prophet assures his companion with whom he was escaping the persecution of the evil doers.

This Prophet was Prophet Mohammed , and with him was Abū Bakr (raḍī Allāhu ʿanh). Abū Bakr, terrified for Rasūl Allāh’s safety – expresses fears of Quraish finding their hideout,

“If you die – I am but one man! (i.e. how will I protect you?)”

“If you die, this ummah will be destroyed and the Deen of Allāh will be obliterated!”

To which Rasūl Allāh responds,


[Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with us.]



This Prophet says, ’مَعَنَا’ – with us — even though it was just the two of them.

What do you think this indicates?

Does this not indicate that the worth of Abū Bakr is that of an entire nation?! Worth a nation and then some. 

Raḍī Allāh taʿāla ʿanh wa arḍāh.

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