
Public Service Announcement

February 19, 2013

We have discussed the purpose of this blog over here. But still, I felt the need to further clarify as to what my readers’ action should be upon reading the posts.

The reminders, the reflections, and even the quotes, do not go up for the sake of being reblogged endless amount of times, although by all means, please continue doing that.

Ideally, even though I might be aiming too high, these are meant to be remembered, not word-to-word, but a general idea of the meaning. So that in the future, when you come across a particular āyah, you are able to link the story behind it, you are able link the intricate details that are not spelt out in translations, you are able to link the reflections. And hopefully once your own studies of the Qur`ān advance and you have studied some amount of tafsīr, you can add your own reflection to it, thus forever proliferating for the best, your relationship with the Qur`ān.

In addition to that, you will make memorisation of the Qur`ān easier for yourself. It becomes incredibly easier when you not only understand, but also relate to what you are memorising. When an āyah brings to mind a humble incident, that makes you smile, or tremble, or tear up – you will remember it better.

This blog, initially birthed to treasure words that I did not wish to lose, is really for you. To help you understand the Speech of your Lord. Yā Rabb aʿin. O Lord aid [us].

That’s the Qur`ānic reflections, then what are the quotes for, you wonder.

Tell me, who understood the actions and speech of Rasūl Allāh , and the Message – after the Messenger , better than the Ṣaḥāba and the Salaf? (Answer: No one.) They had the most sophisticated, polyphonic, and purest of understanding of Islām; unadulterated by innovation, desire and political pressure.

Thus these quotes are microscopic analysis of how a Muslim should be, because the Ṣaḥāba and the Salaf and their followers never spoke in difference to what was revealed to our Prophet; the Qur`ān and his Sunnah.

What better way to improve yourself than by taking these quotes to heart and ingraining them somewhere (anywhere!) internally. And after you’ve done that, embody these quotes, one time, two times; until it becomes part of your character.

This is the purpose of these quotes and obviously for the reblogg times infinity. (The latter being my lame sense of humour.)

Start with this, or this. Go on. 🙂

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