
Not a Small Deed Goes Unnoticed, Unaccounted

February 16, 2013

[And the record [of deeds] will be placed [open], and you will see the criminals fearful of that within it, and they will say,

“Oh, woe to us! What is this book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?”

And they will find what they did present [before them]. And your Lord does injustice to no one.] Kahaf:49


To some, their sins may seem small and insignificant, “It’s no big deal!”

“As long as it’s not a major sin.”

“There are others doing much worse than I am!”


Realise that we are not the ones who add them up on our Final report card.

All the “small” and “insignificant” deeds; what we perceive as small and insignificant – whether good or bad, will eventually add up, tipping the scale, and determining whether we pass or fail.

Not a word you utter or a deed you do goes unrecorded.

Many have the mentality of justifying their outright dumb actions by assuring others (rather, themselves) that they will go to ḥajj “later”, when they are more mature. To that I say, 1. You have no guarantee that there will be a later. 2. You have no guarantee that your ḥajj will be accepted.

But what you do have is today; a bright new chance to make small, incremental improvements.


In al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī’s wise words:

A Believer does not increase in righteousness except he increases in fear until he says, “I will never pass!”  As for the Fāsiq (the transgressor) he says, “People like me are many, Allāh will forgive me, don’t worry Allāh’s mercy is all encompassing.”



Note: every Friday, we post some gems from sūrah al-Kahaf on le twitter account. You’re welcome to drop by there and have a look 🙂

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