
Oversharing much? A Qur`ānic lesson in Netiquettes

February 11, 2013

In the Qur`ān Allāh relates to us an advice of a Prophet to another Prophet, a father to his son.

The father, Yaʿqūb, warns his son, Yūsuf, from sharing his dreams with his brothers; lest they be overcome by envy and harm him.

[He said, “O my son, do not relate your vision to your brothers or they will contrive against you a plan. Indeed Satan, to man, is a manifest enemy.] Yūsuf:5

In light of this advice what do you make of sharing excessive private information on the Internet ?

When sharing dreams with untrustworthy blood relatives is warned against (Prophet Yaʿqūb forbade his son to do so), shouldn’t sharing intimate life details with complete strangers be out of bounds?!

Don’t over share. Not only is it unbecoming of respectable individuals to do so but it is also dangerous. This is the Qur`ānic advice for you.

And a command of Rasūl Allāh , narrated in sunan ad-Dārmī:

Don’t relate your dreams to anyone except for a scholar or a sincere advisor

Reference: Sunan ad-Dārmī 11/10

These warnings are against sharing *dreams* with untrustworthy people, some dreams, as we know, are gifts from Allāh. But regardless, we are forbidden from sharing them with unreliable individuals.

This emphasises the need to refrain from bragging (exactly what oversharing is) about our personal life and the blessings that we have – to an army of anons – who very likely might not have our best interest at heart.

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