
Remember When You Didn’t Know?

February 2, 2013

[And Allāh has revealed to you the Book and wisdom and has taught you that which you did not know. And ever has the favour of Allāh upon you been great.] Nisā`:113

This āyah teaches us something that many take for granted. So let this reflection be a reality check, especially if you consider yourself a Ṭālib al- ʿilm.

At the start of this āyah, Allāh Subḥānah talks about His mercy and favour upon Moḥammed (and upon us!), part of this mercy is that He sent down the Qur`ān for us through a merciful Prophet. And His greatest favour is that He taught us the Qur`ān! He gave us knowledge and wisdom. Laka al-Ḥamd yā Rabb.

The keywords that I want you to focus on are: ‘He taught’, ‘His favour’, ‘His Mercy’.

See the knowledge that we have has very little to do with us and it has everything to do with Him. Actually, scratch that, it has nothing to do with us, if He Subḥānah had willed otherwise, this knowledge wouldn’t have been bestowed upon us.

(Note: Bestowed; it is a gift, a mercy, a favour.)

It surprises me that there exist individuals who claim knowledge yet use this knowledge as a way to establish superiority over others.

Do they not know that He Who granted them knowledge can take it away in a heartbeat?

Do they not know that this knowledge will only intensify their questioning on the Day of Judgement?!

Which brings us to a pet peeve of mine: On numerous occasions, I’ve heard (‘knowledgeable’) sisters express surprise at being asked certain Islāmic questions, “she doesn’t even know that!!”

Just imagine for a minute if the tables were turned and you were in a position where you were on the weaker end and you *needed* help–a question answered– but those of knowledge deemed your question unworthy and too minute. Can you imagine such a situation?!

Realise, that we human beings are in no position to withhold knowledge from others OR make it hard for them to get by making them feel belittled.

It was the way of the Salaf to honour people who’d come seeking knowledge to their Majālis.

In a Ḥadīth narrated in Sunan ad-Dārmī, Rasūl Allah tells us to honour those who come seeking knowledge. Whose sunnah will we be following if we do otherwise?!

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