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February 1, 2013


February 1, 2013

❝Whoever reads Sūrah al-Kahaf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays.❞ Ṣaḥīḥ Ḥadīth صحيح الجامع للألباني ٦٤٧٠…

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February 1, 2013

It is NOT permissible to touch the Muṣḥaf (copy of Qur`ān) without being in the state of purity according to the majority of scholars. And this is the view the four Imāms held. “Is it permissible to touch the Muṣḥaf without Wuḍū`?” — Sheikh Ibn Bāz in his Fatāwa 4/383 (via quranicreflections)…

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