
Tawḥīd; Introduction and Conclusion to The Book

December 22, 2012

The first sūrah and the last sūrah of the Qur`ān wrap each other up perfectly:

Sūrah al-Fātia begins with His Divinity; Alamdulillāh (All Praise is due to Allāh – The God), His Lordship; Rabb al- Ālamīn (Lord of the Worlds), and His Dominionship; Mālik yawm ad-dīn (The Sovereign of the Day of Recompense) – and in another Qirā`ah this āyah is read as Melik yawm ad-Dīn (the King of the Day of Recompense).

Sūrah an-Nās begins with His Lordship; Rabb an-Nas (Lord of Mankind), His Dominionship; Melik an-Nās (Sovereign/King of Mankind), and His Divinity; Ilāh an-Nās (God of Mankind).

And in this is an evident sign of the importance of knowing and implementing Tawḥīd (Monotheism). And a sign of the perfection that is the Qur`ān.


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