
Would That They Knew

December 17, 2012


[And they will say, “Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we would not have been among the dwellers of the blazing Fire!”]Mulk:10

They use their ‘intelligence’ and ‘logic’ to refute the Qur`ān and its message. But only on the Day of Recompense will they learn the difference between sound intelligence and a flawed one.

Ibn ʿAbbās – raḍī Allāhu ʿanh – explains this āyah, “If we had only listened with the hearing of one who understands and thinks. Or if we had only understood with the intellect of one who differentiates and assesses – (between right and wrong).”  

A lesson that may be derived from this: even when doing some casual Islamic studying (i.e. moving from tab to tab, reading, watching, listening, skipping) don’t forget to think and digest what you learn, and let the Qur`ān and the Sunnah be your guides to a sound intellect. 

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