
Catching Raindrops

December 7, 2012

In sūrah al-Kahf Allāh likens the life of this world to water. Water that is sent down in the form of rain, to be more precise.


[And put forward to them the example of the life of this world, it is like the water (rain) which We send down from the sky] Kahf:45

Think of the imagery being created.  

Rain water is never stagnant. It is constantly moving; falling down, running streams, bouncing droplets, still puddles – that soon evaporate, and so on. Not only that but rain water is constantly changing; from pure, to dirty, to muddy to plain icky and then pure again.

Profound still, have you ever tried catching rain water? Even with your hands cupped how long can you hold it for? How much of it can you collect?

This is Dunyā for you: fast paced, constantly changing, constantly moving, and extremely difficult to hold on to.

Now tell me, is this how you want to spend your life? Chasing after something that will never be yours? That was never meant to be yours.

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