
Restless Heart

December 5, 2012


An infant enters the palace and causes upheaval: Wet nurses are summoned and dismissed; the infant wants nothing to do with them.

His screams fill the palace. Guards are everywhere, trying to maintain order.

Asiyā leaves her royal duties and occupies herself with her newly adopted son, aching to sooth his cries.

Firʿawn tries but fails miserably to restore order in his once peaceful palace – he is helpless in the face of a hungry infant.

All of this because the heart of one believing woman across the Nile was restless and longing for her son.

Glory be to the Creator who put unconditional love in the hearts of mothers and their babies.

[And the heart of the mother of Mūsā became empty (from every thought, except the thought of Mūsā). She was very near to disclose his (case, i.e. the child is her son), had We not bound fast her heart (with Faith), so that she might remain as one of the believers.] Qaa:10

Read more of this sūrah here

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