Monthly Archives:

December 2012


December 31, 2012

I advise you to fear Allāh, and I advise you to turn to the Qur`ān, for it is Light in the dark night and it is Guidance in the day. Jundub Ibn ʿAbdullāh, in: سير أعلام النبلاء ١٧٤/٣…

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Ebrāhīm and The Messengers – Part I

December 30, 2012

  [Has there reached you the story of the honoured guests of Ebrāhīm?] adh-Dhāriyāt:24 The honoured guests of Ebrāhīm were a group of Angels and Messengers of Allāh who had appeared in the form of men. Tafsīr al-Jalālayn suggests that their number might have been 12, 10 or three, amongst them were Jibrīl and Mīkā`īl, ‘alayhim as-salām. Further down in the sūrah we learn that these Angels were on their way to Qawm Lūṭ (people of Lūṭ) with promises of…

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Debates and Arguments

December 28, 2012

Those who speculated and argued about the number of young men of The Cave were given a clear instruction in the Qur`ān: [..So do not argue about them except with clear proof and do not inquire about them among the speculators from anyone.] Kahaf:22 This is a profound lesson for the youth of today, who go about arguing and debating Islām with scant knowledge: Knowledge is with Allāh and those whom He has blessed to learn it: our scholars. And…

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December 26, 2012

Read the Qur`ān, indeed it is an intercessor on the Day of Judgment for its companion (i.e. the person who reads it, reflects upon it, memorises it, is reminded by its message…). Rasūl Allāh, ṣalalahu ʿalayhi wa sallam. In: صحيح مسلم…

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Tawḥīd; Introduction and Conclusion to The Book

December 22, 2012

The first sūrah and the last sūrah of the Qur`ān wrap each other up perfectly: Sūrah al-Fātiḥa begins with His Divinity; Alḥamdulillāh (All Praise is due to Allāh – The God), His Lordship; Rabb al- Ālamīn (Lord of the Worlds), and His Dominionship; Mālik yawm ad-dīn (The Sovereign of the Day of Recompense) – and in another Qirā`ah this āyah is read as Melik yawm ad-Dīn (the King of the Day of Recompense). Sūrah an-Nās begins with His Lordship; Rabb an-Nas (Lord…

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December 20, 2012

If your hearts are purified, they will never quench from reciting the Qur`ān. ʿOthmān ibn ʿAffān and Ḥudhayfah ibn Yamām…

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