Monthly Archives:

November 2012


Depleting Wealth

November 17, 2012

The story of the garden’s owner in Sūrah al-Kahaf is a remarkable story highlighting transgression at a unique level: Materialism and love of wealth lead to arrogance which in turn leads to disobedience of Allah and then this results in denial of the Last Day. And this story is something we NEED to examine and ponder upon as it is a reflection of the times we live in – an era of consumerism and materialism.   [And he entered his…

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November 15, 2012

Search for sweetness in three: Ṣalāh, Qur`ān, Dhikr. If you find it; glad tidings to you. But if you don’t, then know that your door is closed. al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī, in: حلية الأولياء…

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Don’t You Use Your Intellect?!

November 14, 2012

They indulge in sins and evil, they miss their obligations, they do not give rights to others, and they say: [It will be forgiven for us.] A’rāf:169 In the same āyah Allah subḥāneh wa ta’āla tells us that the Hereafter is khair (i.e. it has good) for the Muttaqīn – the pious, those who feared Allah and obeyed Him, subḥāneh.   And He subḥāneh ends the āyah with: [afala ta’qilūn] – the literal translation would be, “don’t you use your ‘aqal…

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November 13, 2012

Turn to the Qur`ān, learn it, teach it to your children; you will be asked about it, and through it you will be rewarded. Indeed, sufficient is the Qur`ān a reminder – for those with intellect. ‘Amr ibn ‘Āṣ, in: فضائل القرآن…

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November 11, 2012

[Then do they not reflect upon the Qur`ān?] Moḥammed:24 What does it mean to reflect upon the Qur`ān? (Snippet from Imām Nawawī’s book on manners)…

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