
“Woe to Those Who Pray”

October 29, 2012


[So woe to those who pray] Māūn:4

At first glance, how strange does this sound? Woe to those who pray. Woe to those who perform alāh. Does it not catch your attention? Does it not conjure a sense of bewilderment?

The next āyah clarifies this āyah and tells us why exactly those who pray have been cursed:

[But who are heedless of their prayer] Māūn:5

They pray but they are heedless in their alāh and so Allah the Most Exalted curses them.

Scholars have commented that this heedlessness constitutes a number of things, including:

– Those who delay their prayer beyond its time.

– Those who delay prayer till a later time (even if it is within its time).

– Those who perform alāh but their hearts are not present (and neither do they make the effort to make their hearts present).

– They recite but do so without reflecting on what they are reciting.

Elsewhere in the Qur`ān, Allah subḥāneh wa ta’āla adds to this description of heedlessness in alāh: when they get up to pray they get up lazily.

May Allah not make us of them.

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