
‘Eīd Mubārak!

October 26, 2012


Today is a day of celebration.

A celebration for making it through the tests that led up to this day, namely: Ramaḍān and ajj.

And today is a gift from Allah – all the more reason to celebrate. =)

How do we celebrate it?

Definitely not by transgressing the limits of Allah, as many Muslims, sadly, do.

We follow the Qur`ānic and the Prophetic guidance in celebrating it:

[and that you must magnify Allah (i.e. to say Takbīr) for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him.] Baqarah:185

We made it through Ramaḍān and we made it through the season of ajj, so magnify Allah in order to show gratitude to Him for bestowing upon us this day of celebration. 

And the Prophetic tradition of ṣilat ar-Raḥim (maintaining ties of kinship); go and make peace with all those whom you love and all those whom you might be at differences with.


Taqqabal Allah minna wa minkum ṣāliḥ al-‘amāl

(May Allah accept from you and I, all the good deeds we have sent forth).





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