
If Only You Pondered

October 16, 2012

[Do you then wonder at This Statement (i.e. the Qur`ān)?
And you laugh and do not weep!
Wasting your lifetime in pastime and amusements] Najm:59-61

Subḥān Allah. What do you do with yourself after reading these āyāt?! Knowing that half our time is spent “killing” boredom, and the other half is spent procrastinating.
And whenever the topic of procrastination comes up, we end up joking about it and laughing it off not realising the seriousness of our ill choices in spending our precious time.

And then there are those who say, “Tomorrow, I am going to start tomorrow”. No you won’t. If you don’t start today, you’ll never do it.

When Allah describes what we are doing, how we are wasting our lives in worthless amusement and laughter when in fact we should be weeping over what our ill choices will bring forth and weeping over the gravity of the Message conveyed by This Book – really what do you do with yourself?

The āyah following the above āyāt describes what our next course of action ideally should be, once we realise that there is still time:

[So fall down in prostration to Allah, and worship Him ] Najm:62


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