

October 12, 2012


[Those who are misers and enjoin upon people miserliness. And whosoever turns away, then Allah is Rich, the Praiseworthy] adīd:24

There are two types of misers: those who abstain from giving charity. And those who abstain from remembering Allah (obeying Him and worshipping Him).

And thus, at the end of this āyah Allah tells us that He is Al Ghany (الغني) – The Rich – if we don’t give charity which was intended to purify us, He does not need it anyway, Subāneh.

And Al amīd (الحميد) – The Praiseworthy – if you don’t praise Allah, the creations of heavens and earth praise Him; He doesn’t need your half-hearted praise.

Al amīd is from the root word amd (حمد), which would translate to, praised and magnified.

amīd is in a linguistic form known as صيغة المبالغة – an excessive form. He is not just Praiseworthy but He is The Praiseworthy.

Won’t you rid your heart of stinginess?

Give adaqah, even if you do not make a living – even the smallest amounts count.

And praise Him, Subāneh.

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