
Ignorant Ones

October 8, 2012


[Say, “Is it other than Allah that you order me to worship, O ignorant ones?”] Zumar:64

Regardless of how much scientific, technological, medical, intellectual, what, advancement they have, they’ll always remain ignorant (jāhil) if they remain worshipping their false gods.

A look into books of tafsīr:

To understand why those who worship other than Allāh are called ignorant we look at the āyāt preceding the above āyah. We learn that the preceding āyāt talk about the creation of the heavens and the earth. And they tell us that Allāh is the Master who owns the keys to the secrets of the universe and the keys to their creation and maintenance. He subānah calls Himself Wakīl; Trustee, Disposer of Affairs and Guardian over all things.

A person with even the slightest understanding would conclude that indeed it is the One true Creator who runs it all.

Acknowledging this perfection yet worshipping entities other than Allāh is ignorance at its finest.

Turn to Him, and trade ignorance for a guidance unlike any other. 



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