
Befitting Speech

October 5, 2012


[O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him, and say befitting words (qawlan sadīda).

He will then direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins] Azāb:70-71

Those who use foul language and indulge in ill speech often use freedom of expression as an excuse. Little do they know, they become what they say.

Their tongues translate what is in their hearts and sooner or later, what is on their tongues is translated by their limbs. Their actions, behaviour and lifestyle will become just as foul as the words they utter.

Will you continue to use bad words? Will you continue to pass sarcastic remarks? Will you continue lying?!

Such speech is unbefitting of someone who reads the glorious Qur`ān, remember that.


‘Qawlan Sadīda’ – Mufassirūn explain this as honest and truthful speech, and a speech that is direct and straightforward, with no deviation or falsehood. Some have explained this as just speech. And others have explained this as speech by which the speaker aims to attain the countenance of Allah. 

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