Monthly Archives:

October 2012


“Woe to Those Who Pray”

October 29, 2012

  [So woe to those who pray] Mā’ūn:4 At first glance, how strange does this sound? Woe to those who pray. Woe to those who perform ṣalāh. Does it not catch your attention? Does it not conjure a sense of bewilderment? The next āyah clarifies this āyah and tells us why exactly those who pray have been cursed: [But who are heedless of their prayer] Mā’ūn:5 They pray but they are heedless in their ṣalāh and so Allah the Most…

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‘Eīd Mubārak!

October 26, 2012

  Today is a day of celebration. A celebration for making it through the tests that led up to this day, namely: Ramaḍān and Ḥajj. And today is a gift from Allah – all the more reason to celebrate. =) How do we celebrate it? Definitely not by transgressing the limits of Allah, as many Muslims, sadly, do. We follow the Qur`ānic and the Prophetic guidance in celebrating it: [and that you must magnify Allah (i.e. to say Takbīr) for having…

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October 24, 2012

Construct your hearts and construct your homes by the Qur`ān. Qatādah, in: سنن الدارمي ٧٧/٣٢٤٧…

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Islām; a Communal Effort

October 23, 2012

[And you do not encourage one another to feed the poor] Fajr:18 The context of the above āyah talks about the polytheists of Quraish and their vile beliefs and actions, which included not encouraging each other to feed the poor. Notice, it does not talk about the actual act of feeding the poor, but simply encouraging it and motivating others to do it. And this is not the only place in the Qur`ān where the unbelievers are condemned for not…

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October 22, 2012

I regretted spending much of my time on other than the meanings of the Qur`ān Sheikh’l Islām Ibn Taymiyyah, near to the end of his life. In: ذيل طبقات الحنابلة لابن رجب ٢:٤٠٢ …

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Know your Enemy

October 19, 2012

[And tell My slaves to say that which is best. Indeed, Shayṭān induces dissention among them. Indeed, Shayṭān is ever, to mankind, a clear enemy] Isrā`:53 With all the differences in this Ummah, let us not forget that our real enemy is Shayṭān, not each other. Once people start practicing Islām, i.e. really become Muslim, it gets harder for Shayṭān to seduce them into disobeying Allah. And so as an easier alternative, Shayṭān creates disunity and discord between them. Oh…

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