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September 21, 2014

❝Don’t let this world bother you, I have reached 87 years of age and I have not seen from my Lord anything but good.❞ Sheikh Ibn Bāz r.a.…

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August 18, 2014

❝Allāh did not mention the mistakes of past prophets to humiliate them but He mentioned these mistakes so that YOU do not lose hope in repentance.❞ al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī, in: Tafsīr al-Qurṭubī 9/147…

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August 1, 2014

❝A person does not turn his heart towards Allāh except that Allāh turns the hearts of the believers towards him and enriches him with their love.❞ Harim b. Ḥayyān, in: Siyār Aʿlām an-Nubalāʾ 4/49…

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July 13, 2014

❝Earnestly persist in making duʿāʾ, for the door is bound to open for the one who persists in knocking.❞ Abū ad-Dardāʾ, in: شعب الايمان للبيهقي ٥٢/٢…

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June 14, 2014

❝The twelve months of the year are like the twelve sons of Prophet Yaʿqūb. And just as Prophet Yūsuf was the most beloved to Yaʿqūb, the month of Ramaḍān is the most beloved to Allāh. And just as Allāh forgave the eleven brothers by the duʿāʾ of one; Yūsuf, He can forgive your eleven months of sins by your duʿāʾ in Ramaḍān.❞   — Imām Ibn Jawzī, in: بستان الواعظين ورياض السامعين، مجلس ١٣…

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August 26, 2012

The most dismal of homes are those where Qur`ān is not recited. So recite Qur`ān for you are rewarded ten times for every letter you recite Ibn Mas’ūd (رضي الله عنه). (رواه الحاكم في المستدرك)…

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