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Qurʾān Study Tips

Ramaḍān Journals

June 11, 2016

Some people of knowledge would keep a special notebook at hand as they recited the Qurʾān. Anytime an āyah spoke to them, or an understanding dawned on them, they would write it down in that notebook, by the end of Ramaḍān they would amass a treasure trove of reflections from the Qurʾān.…

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Qurʾānic Reflections

Of the Most Difficult Forms of Patience

July 24, 2015

One of the most difficult forms of patience is being patient with the unknown and the uncertain; when you don’t know what’s going to come, when you don’t know the ‘whys’ for whatever that’s happening, when you need definite answers but you’re left with questions and doubts… And this is why al-Khiḍr said to Prophet Mūsā, before accepting his request to impart sacred knowledge, ﴾And how can you have patience about a thing which you know not?﴿ al-Kahf:68 Bright side:…

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Qurʾānic Reflections

April 5, 2015

In the Qurʾān, Allāh does not commend the perfect believer. Rather, He subḥānah commends the faulty one—the one who errs (probably more times than he can count!). He errs and then he is remorseful, so he defeatedly turns to Allāh and sincerely repents and seeks Allāh’s pardon. ﴾Indeed, Allāh *loves* those who are constantly repentant.﴿ al-Baqarah:222  …

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Qurʾānic Reflections

So They Journeyed On…

March 11, 2015

﴾So they journeyed on…﴿ al-Kahf:71 ﴾So they journeyed on…﴿ al-Kahf:74 ﴾So they journeyed on…﴿ al-Kahf:77 Prophet Mūsā faces several setbacks in his path to seek knowledge. But each time he continues on with an unshaken resolve until the journey ends following an agreement put forward by Prophet Mūsā.…

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Qurʾānic Reflections Uncategorized

When Your Duʿā is Delayed

February 3, 2015

When you’ve been asking Allāh for something for quite a long time and due to a ḥikmah (wisdom) that only Allāh knows, your request has been delayed. Then when you see another be given a similar blessing — one that you have been pining for and praying for, it might be natural for a person to feel a burn in their heart. A bitterness. A jolt of sadness, mixed with jealousy and envy (perhaps?). Some might go to the extent…

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