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sūrat Āal-ʿImrān

Qurʾānic Reflections

Gifts of Fruit

August 27, 2012

Allah would send Maryam ‘alayhas salām fruits. But not just any fruits! The rarest of fruits, available to none would be sent to her. Such was Allah’s favour upon her that even Prophet Zakariah would be left perplexed! Commentators of Tafsīr say that it was the miracles that Zakariah saw upon Maryam ‘alayhas salām that encouraged him to ask for an offspring despite his old age and his wife’s infertility. Maryam would be given fruits of winter in the summer…

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Qurʾānic Reflections

A Du’ā` Answered

August 27, 2012

Allah Subḥāneh wa t’āla answers our du’ā`. He realises the most of impossible of dreams. And He will realise your dreams, but what situation will He find you in when He answers your du’ā`? Learn from the story of prophet Zakariah: Zakariah asked for an offspring even though he had reached old age and his wife was barren and Allah gave this to him; he blessed him with a son called Yaḥya. BUT LOOK, how did Allah find Zakariah ‘alayhis…

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Qurʾānic Reflections

A Girl Called Mary

August 27, 2012

[And remember when the angels said, “O Maryam, indeed Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the worlds] Āl-‘Imrān:42 Allah chose Maryam over all the women of the worlds. What was so exceptional about Maryam ‘alayhas salām? Hint: it wasn’t her beauty or her wealth. The mention of Maryam ‘alayhas salām in the Qur`ān always indicates one exceptional quality: her obedience to the Almighty and stemming from this was her piety, her asceticism and her purity – both inside…

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