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Ibn Taymiyah


Being Pleased with Allāh

May 25, 2017

Keep making duʿāʾ and keep trusting that Allāh sees your efforts and He hears your prayers. I say make duʿāʾ not as a hopeless plan b. But I say this because I know that so many people lose out on the good that Allāh gives because they give up on duʿāʾ too soon. Or they lose spirit too soon. Or they lose interest too soon. Allāh is al-Ḥakīm and He arranges our lives perfectly. Even if something causes us grief…

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June 16, 2016

When I fail to understand an issue, I do istighfār a thousand or more times, so Allāh opens it [i.e. its understanding] for me. Sheikh’l Islām Ibn Taymiyah – raḥmatu Allāh ʿalayh. Originally posted here.…

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December 17, 2014

❝Ibn Taymiyah was extremely diligent in helping others because he knew, the more he helped others, the more Allāh will help him.❞ Imām Ibn al-Qayyim…

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