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Soul Cleansing

A Pure Heart

February 16, 2017

A man reviled Ibn ʿAbbās, so he replied, “You revile me even though I have three traits: When I learn something about an āyah from the Book of Allāh, I wish that everyone would know it too; when I hear about a ruler from the rulers of Muslims who governs justly I become happy, even though I may never have to go to him for a ruling; and when I hear about a rainfall in a land from the lands…

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June 18, 2016

Do not look down upon the sins of people as if you have supremacy over them, rather worry about your own sins, and remember there are people who are tested (with sins) and there are those whom Allāh has kept safe. Show mercy to those who are tested and praise Allāh for the safety He’s given you.  Īsā ibn Maryam, in: Al-Istidhkār 27/323  …

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