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February 16, 2014

Keyword: Patience. In observing His commands. In abstaining from His prohibitions. Patience over what befalls……

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A Lesson from Sūrah Āle-ʿImrān

February 16, 2014

Lately, I’ve been listening to the ending verses of sūrah Āle-ʿImrān on repeat, and thinking. These verses are some of the most beautiful yet powerful verses in the Qurʾān. I don’t think there is any student of the Qurʾān who does not hold these verses dear. In a Ḥadīth, it is narrated to us that Rasūl Allāh ﷺ would recite these verses upon waking up from sleep, and thus scholars have encouraged us to do the same. And truly, I…

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February 10, 2014

Patience is a treasure from the treasures of paradise; Allāh does not grant it except to His noble slaves. — Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī. Quoted in: مجلة البحوث الإسلامية ١٩٨/٧٥…

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Worst of the Worst

February 9, 2014

Assuredly, it is they, in the Hereafter, who will be al-khāsirūn (the losers). – an-Naḥl:109 Assuredly, it is they, in the Hereafter, who will be al-akhsarūn (the greatest losers). –  Hūd:22 Who are the losers and who are the greatest of losers? First, it is important to note the difference between al-khāsirūn and al-akhsarūn. There are those who are the losers (al-khāsirūn) and then there are those worse than the losers, worse in their loss; al-akhsarūn. Why then is al-khāsirūn…

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January 23, 2014

Don’t ruin your happiness by worrying, and don’t ruin your success by being proud, and don’t ruin people’s optimism by bringing them down. And don’t ruin today by glancing at yesterday. Ibn al-Qayyim. [Translated from a tweet shared by Dr. Nawāl al-ʿEīd, author of the award winning book on women’s rights in light of authentic Sunnah.] 😊…

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A Guide to Understanding the Qurʾān

December 28, 2013

This was written as a reply to a few dozen messages I received on my Facebook page, with the same request, “How can I understand the Qurʾān better?” I’ve been asked this question numerous times. And overtime I’ve fine tuned the answer to this question. I divide “I want to understand the Qurʾān” into three levels:  Level 1: If you’re looking to understand the Qurʾān at the most basic level (which every single Muslim should do), then I would suggest reading…

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