Browsing Category:



May 12, 2014

Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī was asked, “Where do you find relief?” He replied, ❝In a prostration after negligence and in repentance after sinning.❞…

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May 10, 2014

﴾And whoever is blinded from remembrance of Ar-Raḥmān – We appoint for him a devil, and he is to him a companion.﴿ az-Zukhruf:36 A heart void of remembrance of Allāh is easily penetrable by and pliable to the whisperings of Shayṭān. A person becomes acceptant of bad company when his heart is parched for Dhikr.…

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Bad Duʿāʾ

May 8, 2014

‎People who make “bad duʿāʾ” or wish ill for themselves or others — even as a joke, are nothing but ignorant of the Might of Allāh. If you understood how quickly even the most seemingly impossible things you ask for are answered, you’ll never dare make a joke of it. Allāh is over ALL things capable. If you understood this āyah, you will never think – let alone utter – a bad duʿāʾ for anyone. Nor will you ever give…

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May 6, 2014

A person does not turn his heart towards Allāh except that Allāh turns the hearts of the believers towards him and enriches him with their love. Harim b. Ḥayyān, in: Siyār Aʿlām an-Nubalāʾ 4/49…

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A Proposal: Ramaḍān Edition

May 4, 2014

Ramaḍān is (almost) here. And though we largely neglect to prepare for this great month, (“Prepare? Oh we don’t eat much any way” …), I thought of putting forth a brief emergency plan – for those who like myself were enamoured by Dunyā and genuinely neglected to draw up a plan of action when time was on our side.  The Plan: The plan is based on how the ṣaḥāba would recite the Qurʾān; they would recite with Tadabbur (which should be…

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April 26, 2014

We do not know of anything better than seeking knowledge with [the right] intention. Sufyān ath-Thawrī, in: Siyar Aʿlām an-Nubalāʾ 7/244…

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