[And tell My slaves to say that which is best. Indeed, Shayṭān induces dissention among them. Indeed, Shayṭān is ever, to mankind, a clear enemy] Isrā`:53 With all the differences in this Ummah, let us not forget that our real enemy is Shayṭān, not each other. Once people start practicing Islām, i.e. really become Muslim, it gets harder for Shayṭān to seduce them into disobeying Allah. And so as an easier alternative, Shayṭān creates disunity and discord between them. Oh…
[By the Dawn; And by the ten nights; And by the even and the odd] Fajr:1-3 By the Dawn: Allah takes an oath by the dawn (or Fajr). When Allah takes an oath by something it is to highlight its significance and Allah subḥāneh wa t’āla can take an oath by whatever He wills, we on the other hand, cannot swear by anything or anyone but the Almighty. If we were to translate it literally Fajr would translate to, ‘to…
[Do you then wonder at This Statement (i.e. the Qur`ān)?And you laugh and do not weep!Wasting your lifetime in pastime and amusements] Najm:59-61 Subḥān Allah. What do you do with yourself after reading these āyāt?! Knowing that half our time is spent “killing” boredom, and the other half is spent procrastinating.And whenever the topic of procrastination comes up, we end up joking about it and laughing it off not realising the seriousness of our ill choices in spending our precious…