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December 9, 2012

The bearer of Qur`ān must be recognized by his nights when people are sleeping. And by his days when people are eating, by his sadness when people are joyous, by his tears when people are laughing, by his silence when people are arguing, and by his humbleness when people are easily offended. ʿAbdullāh ibn Masʿūd, in: التبيان في آداب حملة القرآن لإمام النووي…

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Catching Raindrops

December 7, 2012

In sūrah al-Kahf Allāh likens the life of this world to water. Water that is sent down in the form of rain, to be more precise.   [And put forward to them the example of the life of this world, it is like the water (rain) which We send down from the sky] Kahf:45 Think of the imagery being created.   Rain water is never stagnant. It is constantly moving; falling down, running streams, bouncing droplets, still puddles – that…

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Restless Heart

December 5, 2012

  An infant enters the palace and causes upheaval: Wet nurses are summoned and dismissed; the infant wants nothing to do with them. His screams fill the palace. Guards are everywhere, trying to maintain order. Asiyā leaves her royal duties and occupies herself with her newly adopted son, aching to sooth his cries. Firʿawn tries but fails miserably to restore order in his once peaceful palace – he is helpless in the face of a hungry infant. All of this because…

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December 3, 2012

Procrastination is worse than death, because procrastination cuts you off from remembering Allāh and the Hereafter, whereas death only cuts you off from this world and its people. Ibn al-Qayyim, in: الفوائد 31…

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December 1, 2012

Read the Qur`ān, for indeed Allāh will not punish the heart that was conscious of the Qur`ān. — Rasūl Allāh ﷺ, narrated by Ibn Mas’ūd, in:  سنن الدارمي٣٣٨٢و سلسلة الضعيفة لإمام الألباني  …

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Unbending Backs

November 29, 2012

Whenever I have had a good workout – the kind that renders one immobile, going into rukū’/sujūd reminds me of my sore back which in turn reminds me of this āyah which, in turn, makes my heart stop: [The Day the shin will be uncovered and they are invited to prostration but the disbelievers will not be able] Qalam:42 Scholars comment that the backs of those who did not prostrate to the Almighty in this life will become one solid…

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